
Left Click: Spawn fox

F Key: Toggle Fast mode


Grass grows

Bunnies eat grass

Foxes eat bunnies

Balance the ecosystem!

NOTE: Homeostasis appears to be impossible. See below.


- Balance the game (Goal: make it possible to achieve a permanent homeostasis)

- Improve bunny AI

- Something to reduce the number of foxes?




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I really like this idea, my main feeling is I wish I had more than a few second window to try to get it right. With the grass, bunnies and foxes all being a population in their own right you definitely have a challenge when it comes to the balance; I personally feel like the grass disappears too fast, but that could be a symptom of the bunnies multiplying too fast, or eating too fast. Or maybe the foxes shouldn’t multiply, and eating just extends their lifespan. Maybe the grass should respawn faster. I wish I could point you in one direction, but there’s so many ways to approach the balance and they all change the game dramatically. That’s part of why I do really like the idea. I hope you fiddle around with it some more! :3

I gave it a few runs, Agree with the other poster. Indeed 1 fox and then hands off got my best score, like 3k pts, but that one fox still took em all out! 

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Cool concept and I like the pixel art/game of life style. Unfortunately, it seems like even one fox is too many and all the rabbits will eventually die. I was hoping a homeostasis could be reach.

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Thank you. It is true, the game is not well balanced yet. 
I started developing this morning so I didn't have much time to playtest it XD
Notably, the bunnies don't have AI, so the foxes eat them too quickly.
It was indeed the goal to allow the player to create an indefinite balance.
It should be pretty simple to add it*, I just ran out of time.
Thanks for the feedback.

(*Perhaps the simplest solution would be to write a genetic algorithm to mutate my game, optimizing for Score. Hahah.

By "simple" I mean "just adjust some parameters". However the parameters are exponential and there is a multi-dimensional search space!)